What is The MOST DESTRUCTIVE HUMAN EMOTION, that leads to all human "sins": murder, infidelity, stealing, killing and lying? ENVY...
It is the one thing every person needs to overcome first, before jumping into Tantra ... So best way to do it? Read the Kuntuzangpo Prayer for 30 days, twice a day. See how you feel after. It brings your mind to balance. If you, do not know ANYTHING about Dharma, to learn, what each of 5 Buddha Families (or 5 elements of Nature with their associated emotions) means, visit old fashion Wikipedia or lamayeshe.com. They have many free books.
And for people, who still, consider 5 elements theory a fake, lets logically thing this.
Human body is about 60% to 70% water of our body weight and compound. Element Number 5. Water.
Element Number 2 is Fire. Heat. You can not exist and thrive without it. Period.
Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Are the Element Number 3. Earth.
Oxygen is required element for our physical survival. "Oxygen is primarily produced through a process called photosynthesis, where plants and other photosynthetic organisms use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create energy for themselves". Trees and foliage. Element Number 1. Wood.
"The primary metals found in the human body include: calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), manganese (Mn), and chromium (Cr)". We can not exist without them. Element Number 4. Metal.
When we die, body usually dries. Water leaves us.
Breath stops, Oxygen is no longer used.
Remaining body parts either disintegrate or will be burned, turning into ash via Fire.
We will go back to being nothing, but the empty air, after returning to the natural elements. It is our physical reality. We can not avoid it.
My point is, our entire physical reality is made of 5 elements. Period.