I often think, how many famous couples do not properly dress when together. Many celebrity events show too much cacophony of color, and in many cases, couples try to dominate each other, rather then balancing. So, how do you balance each other via clothes? Select mutually beneficial color choices in your event wardrobes.
Let's say we analyse set of clothes for different Bazi elements. If you are a single person looking for new partner at the party, your choice of colors should be based on purpose you trying to archive. If person has too much or too little of certain elements, having clothes in the right color can boost this deficiency. We make out first impression, unfortunately, by the way of how we look. No matter what you say. Right color can give us confidence, we would, otherwise, be lacking during certain times. When we lack certain elements we somewhat lack qualities of reality energies of these elements.
Resources are crucial element when we have any health issues*. If your spouse is sick you both should wear the color of her/ his resource element in different tones. Remember, when we have too much of something, it is also not good. Having too much resource element can cause other to see us as such - "just too much" or being perceived as "annoying". Do not "overdose" on your resources.
If you have too much power element in your clothes, you can cause people to feel as they need to defend themselves, it can cause others to feel uneasy around you, as you attempting to dominate them. In general, wearing your power element colors, is good for business purpose, presentations where you need to be a leader, not too good for romantic date. Both Money element and Power element colors are good in your clothing when you deal with financial issues.
When it comes to couples, the most important thing is to dress without creating conflicts in your bazi. If you, for example Earth and Wood, that both needs power, yet your spouse needs more resources to stay stronger, you both select colors of the green, black and blue tones to dress in. You have to consider what each person needs the most at this time to get in full balance.
If you are born under the day master element of Wood, if you goal is to impress, yet make a statement without irritation, choose colors of the element you are LACKING in your Bazi or the elements that SUPPORT you.
If you don't have enough Metal (Power element for Wood) ~ pick white or silver, if you do not have any Earth (Money element for Wood) go with Yellow Tones, if your self-element is too weak pick Black, Blue or Green tones (Resource element), and if you lack Fire element (creativity or self-expression) ~ use pink to dark red tones.
However, the most beneficial element for Wood is your resources, so for any event, if you need to be yourself or need extra support, choose colors Black, Blue or self-element Green.

If you are born under the day master element of Fire, if you goal is to impress, yet make a statement without irritation, choose colors of the element you are LACKING in your Bazi or the elements that SUPPORT you.
If you don't have enough Metal (Money element for Fire) ~ pick white or silver, if you do not have any Earth (Creativity or Self-expression element for Fire), go with Yellow Tones; if your self-element is too weak pick Wood or Green tones (Resource element for Fire), and, if you lack Water element (Power element for Fire) ~ use black or blue tones.
However, the most beneficial element for Fire is your resources, so for any event, if you need extra support, choose colors of any Green tones.

If you are born under the day master element of Earth, if you goal is to impress, yet make a statement without irritation, choose colors of the element you are LACKING in your Bazi or the elements that SUPPORT you.
If you don't have enough Metal (Creativity element for Earth) ~ pick white or silver, if you do not have any Water (Money element for Earth), go with Yellow Tones; if your self-element is too weak pick Fire or Red tones (Resource element for Earth), and, if you lack Wood element (Power element for Earth) ~ use black or blue tones.
However, the most beneficial element for Earth, is your resources, so for any event, if you need extra support, choose colors of any red tones.

If you are born under the day master element of Metal, if you goal is to impress, yet make a statement without irritation, choose colors of the element you are LACKING in your Bazi or the elements that SUPPORT you.
If you don't have enough Wood (Money element for Metal) ~ pick green tones; if you do not have any Earth (resources element for Metal) go with Yellow Tones; if your lack Metal or self-element use white, gray or silver tones, and, if you lack Fire element (Power element for Metal) ~ use red tones.
However, the most beneficial element for Metal is your resources, so for any event, if you need extra support, choose colors of any yellow or beige tones.

If you are born under the day master element of Water, if you goal is to impress, yet make a statement without irritation, choose colors of the element you are LACKING in your Bazi or the elements that SUPPORT you.
If you don't have enough Metal (Resource element for Water) ~ pick white or silver, if you do not have any Earth (Power element for Water), go with Yellow Tones; if your self- expression or creativity is lacking, pick Wood or Green tones (Self-expression element for Water), and, if you lack Fire element (Money element for Water) ~ use red or pink tones.
However, the most beneficial element for Water is your resources, so for any event, if you need extra support, choose colors of any white, blue, black or silver tones.

Even, if you do not know Bazi these sets and combinations of color are visually irritating for the most part. They seem "not to fit" or cause you to feel agitated. It is simply part of psychological brain response to conflicting energies between two colors, like autopilot. So, if you test it yourself, you realise, that things we ignore in our environment or consider unimportant work on our subconscious level, also like autopilot. Some people love green and some people absolutely hate it. Balance is the key.
Gray and Green
White and Red
Blue(any tones) and Brown (any yellow tones)
White and Green