You Luck isÂ
in the MoveÂ
Location, location, location
What , Where & When

Attitude, sex & love preferences, taste in foods
& drinks, as well as choice of personal sports varies, depending on the environment you live in & location
you pick. I can definitely testify to this personally.
I don't like to stay near water for too long, for example, it makes me very irritable. So, I can never live on the beach or ocean front.
I traveled a lot & I relocated a lot. I know what makes me happy & healthy, & what places trigger bad attitudes in me. In a same way people know, when alcohol or drugs are not good for them, I know which places to avoid.
Same setting, different effect

Two different mountain areas, for example, located on about the same elevation, but with different planetary clusters active, will have completely different mental & physical effect on the person.
He or she will like to drink wine & eat heavier meats
in the mountains, vs seaside, or lakeside, where most people would crave lighter wines, drinks & foods or
tend to have more active lifestyles.
It all of cause, depends on their Mars & Venus placement. I, for example, automatically lost 10 lb.
once I relocated to Lake Ontario area from Lake
Tahoe area, without diets. Then I gained 40 lb. more. And have a hard time losing it. Because, believe
it or not, my life style speed has changed. Drastically. This is calmest, most stagnated in the winter area on
the planet. So, I became a "winter bear", I pack pounds until summer & I don't really care ...
Psychologically, I have to admit my interests have changed, when I relocated back to the East Coast.
On the West Coast, in both Colorado and California,
I was more interested and inclined toward simple family life, relationships and love. On the East Coast, even in the late 90th, I was only and mainly interested in having a career and learning. Personal life and sex interest me very little on the East Coast and in North East, while they made up the priority of my reality on the West Coast. I am interested in Crime search, "unsolved mysteries" and justice on the East Coast, while West Coast only inspires me to experience search for love and personal relationships. It makes complete sense from both Western and Eastern astrological stand point. In the western astrology,
I am heavily afflicted by Pluto on the West Coast and
this is a my "Nien Yen" (Love) sector, while North East is my "Fu Wei" (Personal Growth) sector, influenced by crossing Venus DC /Moon's Nodes MC (read more) and crossing Venus AC /Mars MC
at same latitude.
I tested this 3 times, with a cross country move, back and forth. Even in late 90th, all I was watching on TV and was driven toward was forensic science, crime unsolved mysteries, detective stories, etc. While on the West Coats all I wanted is stable family, happy husband and the kids, volunteering charity work and community service, better and bigger home, etc. My Career took the back seat in the West, while my spouse was the center of my attention.
I permanently returned to the East Coast in 2021, after the death of my husband.
Everything changes when we relocate.
You can Control some Energies:Travel Right

Positive travel directions for the company VP or
CEO is something you should know. This kind of information is good to have in the employee's personal file. Why? So you would not sent the wrong person
to the wrong place for the million $ negotiation or
life saving event.
In terms of Corporate Management, for example,
you can find the person with specific combination,
for dealing with the the East Coast negotiations vs. West Coast. If the person's directions are chosen incorrectly, he will inevitably, experience trail &
errors with losses.
for success & money luck.

What is Time of Birth Rectification?
Do you know when you were born?
Accurate to the minute?
Let's say, your parents have no clue or simply don't remember your time of birth.
Hospital records are lost.
Set of events, related to your life will help to calculate & show probability of exact time of your birth.
When the East meets the West

What is most interesting in case of Astro Relocation,
vs. plain Feng Shui relocation is advise. In Feng Shui
you would say:" Move South West in the Mountain or Seaside Region", while in Western astro relocation, advise would depend on the planetary combinations,
not the region itself.
It's good to look at both systems in terms of client's advise. Locate Feng Shui beneficial region first (Sheng
Qi direction, for example) & then, locate most positive region within it, based on Western astrology.
You want to begin with selecting your Sheng Qi, Tien Yi, Yan Nian or Fu Wei regions based on your Gua.
Relocate to What You Want © FOLLOW THE LINK

This is an example of HOW I RELOCATED from Northern California to re-open & evolve this company in New York State. I drove from Sonora, CA to Camillus, NY in 9 days, via mountain route:
Sonora ~ Las Vegas ~ Beaver ~ Salt Lake ~ Sidney ~ Omaha ~ Moline ~ Cleveland ~ Camillus, NY (Final Stop).
Neptune trine/sextile MC * 116 km
In your work, you manage to combine materialistic pursuits along with humanitarian and idealistic thinking. Being successful does not have to exclude spiritual principles. You are very much involved in charitable projects, and a portion of your time is spent in useful service. These regions are most noted for their humanity and genuine transcendental experiences.
"You could even start your own small business in an esoteric field, like astrology. But this is a particularly
good time for working with others, because you are likely to attract people who share your ideals. Your colleagues should be more willing to cooperate and make sacrifices for the greater good."
Mars trine/sextile MC * 153 km
This line provides an energetic balance between your private life and your career. The supporting aspects of planet Mars assists your professional aspirations without denying the importance of family values and personal needs. Along this axis, you are on a smoother path to continued success and recognition.
"In other words, you're able to achieve the recognition
you crave when your work is less about you and what you want and instead more about what you can do with and for others."
Pluto trine/sextile MC * 213 km
Here, you have power and influence at your disposal.
Both privately and professionally, you make long overdue changes, are prepared to restructure difficult parts of your personal life and lay down basically new work concepts. Displays of power or competition are met with your independent inner strength.
PLUS * Venus Square AC
Crossing Venus DC /Moon's
Nodes MC (read more)
Crossing Venus AC /Mars MC
at Same Latitude
"Pluto/AS * 4 km" sector of my life.
The Best of Free Software

Hélios Delemme
* PC Only From $80.00 to $490.00
No Free Versions
Great Software. Accurate & very detailed professional
version report, but not very user friendly interface & design. Full $490.00 Version is too expensive for quality of UI & design. Not available for IOS/Mac. Great database, however.
ZET Astro
* PC Only From $180.00
Free Trial Version is Available
Amazing Reporting Software. Accurate & very detailed professional version report. Prediction Planning Mode available, but not available for IOS/Mac. Great interface & database.
Fortune Angel
* PC Only From $99.00
Great Chinese Astrology Software. Accurate & very detailed professional version report. More affordable compare to many. Not available for IOS/Mac.
Bazi Calculator
*Free Version Online
$69.00 Annual subscription
Great BAZI Software. Accurate & very detailed professional version. Great 100 years calendar,
but couples chart compare system is not very
good. Affordable subscription.
Antares. PRO
*Available Free Online
First of all this is my favorite software.* Accurate
& very detailed free online version. Affordable
full version. Free Online version is perfect for professional & horary reports. Detailed Fixed Stars energy report. Interactive interface. Professional version contains prediction mode, health mode, etc. Great & clean design. But not available for IOS/Mac.
Academy of Feng Shui 3 ®
* PC Only From
$490.00 No Free Versions
One of the most expensive Feng Shui Softwares.* Professional version requires re-subscription for updates. This is a great software. "Consultant's version" contains great Peach Blossom selection, prediction mode, Flying Stars mode with uploadable floor plans. Shipping from UK is expensive. DVD is required. Not available for IOS/Mac.
Unfortunately, No MAC Versions of any these software are available. *