Find Your Elements
How do you make more oxygen?
Plant and Grow more trees, grass, and flowers, they all improve and support
the production of clean Oxygen on this Planet.
We should try to Save rainforests,
and all of the National Parks, all over
the World, and, in North and South America, in particular. ​
Cut less trees and print less cash.
Use online banking, debit cards and Cryptocurrencies.
How do you find your
Day Master
To find out which element or Day Master you or your partner belong to, use one
of these calculators. (click on Logo)
Once you know your main or Day Master element, you can figure out if this element is Strong, Weak or Extra Strong.
How would you do this? If your element
is Wood, for example, having only Wood and Water would make your element "Extra Strong" (self element and resources only).
But having Metal and Wood with Earth and Fire, with little or no Water would make your element "Weak".
It would be considered as just "Normal" or "Strong", if you have all elements in
the chart with enough resources, or without many conflicts.
To summarize: "Resources" and "Self~Element" make us "Stronger",
while "Power" and "Money" elements make us "Weaker". It would be considered as just "Normal" or
"Strong", if you have all elements in
the chart with enough resources,
or without many conflicts.
This is how Chinese doctors can determine possible health issues in the patient's chart. If the element is extremely "Weak" or absent, you can assume the patient may have an issue with the organs or systems, associated with the missing element.
How do you know which element any physical object belongs to?
Each element corresponds to certain shape and color, each element also carries their own psychological characteristics (purpose) and made
out of certain materials. In the modern world with many recycled artificial materials, you have to rely on
the closest to the origin.
Plastic would be considered a non-material object (it does not exist in nature before it's creation), because
it does not belong to any element alone. Humans are also non-material object, but in a different way. Your parents wanted you (mental process) this is
why you were born (physical effect),
all humans are "Mind Over Matter".
You did not exist as a materialized
body before they wanted you.
We are all non-material objects.
Trees and air, water and soil all existed before we did. They all original material objects. So, if you use plastic artificial flowers, let's say, in your decor, consider
it is Wood. Silk flowers are Wood already, they made from textile (most textile, except Wool are Wood. Wool
is Earth element).
4 main things to know to figure
this out properly:
Why does it even matter?
The influence of the Colors shapes had been proven many times before, through their use in psychology. But the influence of the materials only recently became a very popular topic, especially due to the climate change movements. Our DNA is vibrating with certain frequencies. Without sound. Every organic object in nature also emits various vibrations. The vibration of the artificially created objects is usually very low or negative.
When we surround ourselves with material
objects we become interconnected with all of them. They influence our moods & physical well-being.
When we surround ourselves with mostly low frequencies we become weaker & sicker.
It has been scientifically proven that our moods
always change with the weather.
Whether you like to admit or not, everyone always feels happier, when it is sunny & somewhat
down, when it is foggy & gloomy. Our internal "interior" environment has the same invisible, but very physical effect. What we surround ourselves with will make us either sick or healthy.
The more time you spend in the environment,
the more influence it has on you. Each element carries it's own psycho~physiological energy.
Each material object does too.

How do elements interract?

Flying Stars Calculator
for your Space *
Simply enter your home address, zoom into the
BirdEye View & locate your front door.
Then fill in your property data & read the rest.

This is an example of 5 Yellow Sector cure.
5 Yellow is an Earth element.
Wood + Metal elements weaken and control it. Especially together.

This is an example of the "Wood with Metal " piece.
The sofa & textiles are Wood. The color is Metal. This NOT to be used as a 5 Yellow Cure. Why? Try not to create a sleeping or sitting area in any 5 Yellow sector. Use it for quiet corner staging.
This is an example of the Moving Water Cure.
This is an example of Red Earth Cure, but only if this is real Wood Fireplace or stove.
This is an example of the furniture piece to use as a 5 Yellow Cure. Wood weakens it, Metal controls it. Both element are present in this piece of furniture.