Feng Shui Garden
MAJOR "Invisible Things" that influence our lives:

Feng Shui Gardening
Number One is North or Water

North sector represents our Career or our Business.
It corresponds to element of Water Number 1, & all its colors & symbols. Such as ponds, lakes, rivers, seas, ocean, waterfalls, fountains & bird baths in outdoor designs; colors blue & black, but not grey.
You can plant an Apple Trees in the North of your garden. North is also the ONLY recommended place for planting "Weeping Cherry" on the property. It is
a great place to also plant Fern & Lavender.
Water element represented by: indoor or outdoor fountains, pools, koi fish ponds or aquariums, that
you use to correct bad flying stars, if necessary, or activate the positive once.
Numbers Two, Five & Eight are
North East, Center & South West or Earth
South West represents our Love, Family, Marriage & Relationships.
Center is 5 Yellow, "Most Unexpected" & the Earth
North East sector represents our Education, Children
& Wisdom.
All 3 sectors correspond to element of Earth. South West represented by Number 2. It represents female head of household, mother, parent, female spouse, love, sexual relationships, fertility & motherhood.
Plant any red, pink, & orange flowers & shrubs here; use
the garden solar lights in decorating this sector, to active love, parenting & marriage luck. You can plant: Peony, Lilac, Lavender, Lilly's of the Valley, sharpless Roses; Avocado, Artichoke; Cherry, Peaches & Plumb trees in South West.
If this sector is missing on your home, but you have a
land to build on, build a stone, brick or wood fence with
the metal gate & lock, in this sector. Plant Love Plants & Flowers listed above & add Solar Gardening lights to this sector.
North East represented by Number 8, corresponds to
the youngest son, & younger male generation in general. North East is also related to everythings that has to do with Real Estate properties, from building it to management & sales, &, general material estate's wealth. In the garden,
you can use any beige & brown rocks & pebbles, decoration tones, plant orange & yellow colored flowers here, but
DO NOT place any "Water" related Feature here, unless
it was specifically advised by the master. This is a great
spot to plant Marigold or Medicinal Calendula with Fern.
Center is 5 Yellow. There are no particular recommendation for this sector, unless it it afflicted
& need to be corrected. Generally Center is represented
by the square shape, brick & stone materials, courtyard style buildings. Ideally it represents stability.
All 3 sectors colors correspond to any shade of Earth from yellow to dark brown, terracotta materials, brick & stones, pebbles & rocks; any crystals & Earth symbols. Such as Mountains, hills, high slopes, square shapes; symbols representing Earth signs & elements.
Earth element represented by: indoor or outdoor mountains & their images & symbols; square shapes, hills, high taller buildings & structures, brick or stone fence; yard rocks, stone statues, crystals, rocks & stone pathways, etc. that you use to correct bad flying stars, if necessary, or activate the positive once.

Numbers Six & Seven are
West & North West or Metal

West represents our offsprings, children & grandchildren.
North West represent our Ancestors, mentors, helpers & service people, as well as Male Head of household, male spouse or father in our life.
Both West & North West sectors correspond to the element of Metal. West is Number 6, while North West is number 7, but both all represented by the colors white, silver & grey, including all gold & any metallic colors. Metal elements symbols in a garden are: metal fence, gates, windchimes, bells, rain catchers, etc.
You can plant an Nut Producing Trees in the West or North West of your garden. It is a great place
to also plant Fern & Lavender; any root vegetables
for your garden, such as broccoli, spinach, cucumber, squash, carrots, parsnip, eggplant, garlic, etc. You
can also plant any cactus plants in the West, as well
as agave, aloe vera, etc. You can also build a chicken coop, in both of these sectors. It will generate huge number of eggs. If you have dogs, this is the best spot for a dog run or dog house.
Metal element is represented by: indoor or outdoor fountains, pools, koi fish ponds or aquariums, that
you use to correct bad flying stars, if necessary, or activate the positive once.
Numbers Three & Four are
East & South East or Wood
East sector represents our Health & Longevity.
South East represents our General Prosperity.
Both sectors correspond to element of Wood.
East corresponds to Number 3. It also represents
younger male offsprings.
South East represented by Number 4, corresponds to
the youngest female generation member of the family or general prosperity, general material family's wealth.
It is a great spot to plant Magnolia Trees, Jasmine, Peony, Fern & Lavender shrubs; bamboo plants & money trees;
Lime & Lemon trees, Orange trees; frogs, turtles & tigers symbols & any small bridges, windows, & wines in garden design, also go here.
Plant any green or blue shrubs & flowers here. You can plant any garden herbs & incent producing shrubs in both East & South East. Do not use any Metal element plants, herbs, symbols or accessories in both of these sectors, & avoid using color white, use Water color & accessories instead.
Wood element represented by: indoor or outdoor plants, grass, bridges, planters & wines, wood fences, windows & doors, that you use to correct bad flying stars, if necessary, or activate the positive once.

Number Nine is South
or Fire

South sector represents our Recognition or
Fame, popularity or general success.
It corresponds to element of Fire, Number 9, & all its colors & symbols. Such as highways, trains, shopping malls, big main roads; firepits, fireplaces, lights & candles, triangle shapes in outdoor designs; colors red, pink, orange & all their hues.
Fire element represented by: indoor or outdoor firepits, solar lights, active playgrounds, like sport fields, that you use to correct bad flying stars, if necessary, or activate the positive once.
You can plant any Roses, peony, & lilacs; tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranate trees; any citrus trees & any tropical fruit trees all go in the South. Red peppers, any kinds of peppers, coffee, cinnamon, paprica, etc. are also best grown in the South sector.
If you producing bees, South & South West sectors are the best locations for the Beekeeping in Your Backyard ©.
F.Y.I + P.S: DID YOU KNOW that some, Sago Palm, Jasmin & Peony Plants, for example, can be poisons for wildlife, such as deers & horses & your household pets?
Always learn about pants before you plant it. Always build a fence around plants that can be poisonous.
Place a Bright Light or noise activating device near poisons plants, so the animals would get distracted, scared & run.

World Gardens