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4 items found for ""

  • Bazi Chart analysis

    Unveil the secrets of your life path with a basic Bazi Chart analysis from Feng Shui Division. I will help you decode the elements of your personality, career, and relationships based on your Bazi Chart. Find out when to get pregnant and when to avoid excessive social activities; when to open business or buy a house and when to get married. Take the first step towards understanding yourself and your future. Contact us today for a Bazi Chart analysis.

  • Flying Stars

    Experience the power of Feng Shui with our Flying Stars service. This initial consultation offers a basic property analysis and recommendations for the current year, focusing on questions directly related to the property and the owner's energetic profile. For a more comprehensive analysis of all residents and placements, additional sessions may be required. Transform your space and energy with the guidance of our expert consultants.

  • Initial Design Consultation+Family Bazi

    Transform your space and your life with our Initial Design Consultation and Bazi analysis package. By ordering both services together, you'll save 10% and get a comprehensive overview of your space's feng shui and how it aligns with your personal Bazi for only $69.99. Let us guide you through the process of harmonizing your environment and unlocking the potential for positive energy and prosperity in your home or office.

  • Do you feel alone, need someone to talk?

    Once in a while we all need a stranger to spill our guts to and it's ok to do sometimes. Why do I charge for it? For safety, yours and mine, as well as privacy. 99% of the time people pay for privacy.

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