Best of the Best and verified:
Why personal recommendations make a difference?
On the road to self-discovery we meet a lot of frogs instead of princes. We also study a lot of alternative psychological approaches to reality when in crisis. Often, when we looking for emergency spiritual answers, we usually affected
by the heightened emotions and tend to make mistakes, or jump to the wrong Gurus for answers, as a result of lack of logic. I ran into many Esoteric and Spiritual Charlatans through my life, and, I wanted to begin making a list of people, whom either I or my family members had personally "Verified as "Legitimate" and financially worth investing into, trusting your possible future and their genuine desire to help.
Unfortunately, many authentic gurus I have met, with an exception of the few, have already passed away. The few
that are left, are rarely seen in public, due to their age. We live infinitely or forever or eternally. Consciousness can temporarily leaves the body, but then we return, it never disappears or completely dissolves, unless we turn into the rainbody in this lifetime. According to the most religious beliefs, actually, if you think about it. So, this life is like a
split second in our eternal existence. Meeting people with extraordinary mind and mental capacities is the rare miracle. Do not waste your time on promoted TV and magazine fakes. I also met some special beings who possesses claircognizance, but they do not offer any astrological consultations, however are they still alive and available for private audience of teachings. I will add two of them on the bottom without numbers.
Get you FREE VEDIC CHART: www.vedic-horo.com
From Vedic to Western
with Bazi in between

302 Jules Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
Originally from Tibet, Geshe Ngawang Dakpa became a monk at age 10. In 1959, he fled Tibet to India. After earning a Masters with honors at Sanskrit University in Benares, he was invited by the queen of Sikkim to teach Tibetan and Buddhism in Sikkim for nearly 20 years before returning to Sera Je Monastery in South India to earn his Geshe degree.
He has taught extensively in Asia, Europe and the United States. May he continue to grace us with his wisdom and compassion for many years to come. He knows Astrology as well. He is 94 years old as of today. He no longer teaches.
9995 E Blissful Path,
Chino Valley, AZ 86323
The Eighth Garchen Rinpoche, also called Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche, is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher in the Drikung Kagyu lineage. Born April 1936 in Nangchen, Kham, he is believed to be an incarnation of Siddha Gar Chodingpa, a heart-disciple of Jigten Sumgön, founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage in the thirteenth century CE. He is also believed to have incarnated as Mahasiddha Aryadeva in ancient India - the lotus-born disciple of Nagarjuna himself. He was known as Lonpo Gar, the minister of Tibetan dharma king Songtsen Gampo in the seventh century CE. He is 89 years old as of today. He still teaches in AZ.
Shivapuri, 44600 Nepal
High above the emerald-hued Kathmandu Valley, to the north, you can see a cluster of buildings–the nunnery hermitage named Happy Mind (Nagi Gompa, now renamed Tsungon Nangkyi Gompa). It is a very apt name as it reflects the stress-less faces of the women who have come to live there, training in how to be free from the inside, filling that freedom with boundless love and compassion.
Nagi Gompa was given to Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche in the early 1960s by His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and over the years thousands of pilgrims walked up from Kathmandu to receive the meditation master’s precious instructions known as “guidance through personal experience.” Since then it has been expanded several times, most recently with new quarters for nuns and guest retreatants. These nuns are practicing 24/7, even when they have human afflictions, their energy is generally cleaner that ordinary householder's. They are familiar with various Karmic Ego driven situations, they live in spiritual corporate environment, so to speak. If you are struggling to find the correct practice for your life situation, email then directly: ask@ka-nyingshedrubling.org
A coach with a difference. A certified MACC Associate Coach as well as a student of Chinese Metaphysics, she melds the insights of both East and West personal development philosophies into a single powerful tool to help clients become the best version of themselves. She is proficient in English, Malay and Cantonese. In addition, she also built up a 25-year career as a professional storyteller, writer, producer and content creator in the automotive field.
Heaven represents what has been given to us as decoded from our Bazi or Qimendunjia Destiny Chart. This reveals to us what has been gifted to us – our talents, strengths, weaknesses, behaviour patterns, and how we operate when left on auto-pilot.
Maria Kuzmenko is an astrologer, tarot reader, numerologist from Odessa, Ukraine.
She is also the author of several numerological methods: Family numerology or healing of the Family, Roadmap of Destiny. She offers online training (details in the training courses section) and individual consultations (in the form of online video communication).
For online consultations, she uses all available methods and tools of both astrology and numerology and Tarot cards. Email to schedule: kurs_obucheniya@ukr.net
Khandro Kunga Bhuma Rinpoche is a realized practitioner and female Tenma oracle to His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. For a number of years, Khandro Kunga Bhuma Rinpoche has served as an advisor to Mingyur Rinpoche.
I met her in 2012, in SFO on arrival to US, took her official first picture and was the first to give her khata on arrival, no one noticed her when she walked out of the gate. I later did couple of practices and Pujas with her in-person at the Land of Medicine Buddha and Vajrapani Institute in CA. As far as I know she had only visited US once or twice after this visit. My personal experience with her was rather quick. I was working full time for HE Chöden Rinpoche at the time, we had scheduling conflicts with many events that summer and I could not attend too many of her teaching or appearances. Her energy is definitely different compare to most people. As far as I know she now lives in Kathmandu. You can email her center for visit or private audience:
Sugrobova Marina Mikhailovna is a professional parapsychologist and clairvoyant. She has been working in parapsychology for 20 years. During the Soviet era, she was involved in searching for missing people. She received fundamental knowledge in the field of clairvoyance. She studied with other professional clairvoyants, who worked for the Soviet Union. She began receiving people personally in 1990. Soon she opened her own "School of good magic & clairvoyance" where she trained her employees for work. In 2003, she developed a project on television and then hosted the program "Your Personal Parapsychologist."
Marina Mikhailovna has an amazing ability to "infect" others with clairvoyance. If you open the advertising pages of newspapers, you will see a lot of parapsychologists "infected" by her. In the mid-90s, the program "Beacon of Attractiveness" thundered, which other parapsychologists were never able to repeat. Sugrobova is famous for creating new parapsychological programs.
Baiba Sturite is a certified online course teacher specializing in Vedic astrology. As a spiritual teacher,
she offers courses and consultations on spiritual transformation, healing, and Reiki. With a focus on
self-discovery and understanding karma, Baiba helps individuals navigate personal challenges and find their strengths. Her teachings provide insights into relationships, talents, and life purpose.
Through the study of astrology, she guides students to make informed choices and gain a competitive edge in personal and professional endeavors. She was born
in Latvia in 1979.
3888 Balcom Road,
San Jose, CA 95148
Awakening Vajra International is a nonprofit organization, founded in 2010 in California by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Gyalten and several other dedicated students of H. E. Choden Rinpoche.
Kyabje Choden Rinpoche, Losang Gyalten Jigdrel Wangchuk was born on May 31, (the Tibetan New Year) 1931 in the Rong-bo district of Kham, in eastern Tibet and was a reincarnate master of the Chöden lineage, the historical abbots of Rabten Monastery. Rinpoche’s great-grandfather, grandfather and father were all great practitioners. His great-grandfather and grandfather belonged to the Kagyü school and his father was a Gelug practitioner, all of them were lam-rim holders. Young Tulku reincarnation Chöden Rinpoche Gyälten Tenzin, the “Little Rinpoche", was born April 16, 2016 and now lives in Sera Je Monastery in Bylakuppe, India. All centers are ran by Rinpoche's heart disciple and personal attendant for years Khen Rinpoche Geshe Gyalten.
Over 21 years of practice, he helped over 15,000 people with problems of personal relationships, business, career, health and children. In 2018, he founded the "International School of Practical Astrology". Where, based on many years of practice and research of the primary sources of ancient knowledge, he teaches unique in their completeness training courses on Vedic and Western Astrology. Using many years of practical experience working with clients, based on ancient knowledge and Buddhist practices, he have developed my own original methods of correcting fate and correcting any life circumstances.
Alexey Viktorovich Alexandrov is an astrologer with 9 years of consulting experience. He has a degree in History. He studied in several astrology areas with various different masters. He is the author of his own course on Natal Astrology and teaches it online. He has extensive practical experience and observations on how astrological positions are realized, and he is constantly trying to improve his knowledge. Astrology works and can be useful for anyone who is ready to meet halfway. He always gives clear interpretations and explains the symbolic language of Astrology perfectly. Very realistic and honest, "does not put pink glasses on". I personally did annual report with him regarding Pluto ingression. Email for consultation request: alekseyastrolog@mail.ru
Twice winner of the "Battle of Psychics" in Ukraine - the seventh ("War of the Worlds") and tenth ("War of the Titans") seasons. Khayal is a clairvoyant and astrologer. He comes from the family of the prophet Mohammed. He studied secret knowledge in Saudi Arabia. He works with candles, shells, heals with the help of prayers. He receives information from the world of the dead from genies. He sees prophetic dreams in which angels reveal to him the secrets of the past, present and future. Khayal Alekperov is also a permanent expert of the project "Psychics are investigating" and the TV magazine of useful tips "Everything will be fine". He speaks Ukrainian, Russian and English. Contact via email
He had a waiting list for at least 6 months for in-person consultations, when my sister did it in 2012 or 2013.
Dr. Alejandro Peñataro Sánchez is the founder and director of the virtual Institute Daomac and the e-qimen, platform of the company 艾龍國際全球有限公司 Ailong Global Trade Co. LTD
80th Generation of the Huatuo Daoyin Lineage 華佗門導引術, Master of the daoist Mao Shan Lineage 茅山, M.A. Heidelberg University on Classical Chinese Studies.
Ph.D. Free University Berlin, Chinese Studies: Thesis: “Divination arts in Imperial China: the prognostication system Qimen Dunjia”.
Several years of research and teaching at the Horst Görtz Institute of History, Theory and Ethics of Traditional Chinese Life Sciences, at the Medical University Charité, Berlin. (ph.D. thesis)
Anna Zaytseva is a professional Bazi Consultant. She
completed training and successfully passed the exam in the professional training program of the European College of Feng Shui (ECOFS).
Studied with Vladimir Zakharov - a licensed instructor of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics. (Mastery Academy of CHINESE METAPHYSICS). Bazi Suanming, calculation of fate, 八字算命) in IATCA (International Academy of Traditional Chinese Astrology) with Dr. Manfred Kubny (Germany). Completed training with Jerry King (刘卫雄). Studied Feng Shui, Bazi, Zi Wei Do Shu, Xuan Kun Da Gua, Chinese Dietetics with foreign Masters and Russian specialists: Howard Choi, Master Mimi Moorhouse (Hong Kong-UK), Nicola Pfeffer, Master Joseph Yu (Canada), Milana Minaeva, Oksana Sakhranova, a course on the method of Master Benson Yeo, which was taught in 2018 in Moscow by Ekaterina Sakhidakova.
Studied Qimen - life reading with Natalia Tsyganova (2014) and the course "Life Reading by Qimen Dun Jia" 2018. Since 2006, constantly learning and applying knowledge in practice.
She has been consulting since 2008. I am interested in studying the philosophy and history of China. My Qi Gong (氣功) Mentor is Master Chen Jie, a student of Master Liu Baochang, who was a student of the famous Li Cunyi.
She has been teaching since 2009 in collaboration with Natalia Tsyganova on the Bazi "Path to Luck Program".
These are some social causes we sponsor
Please join us
Dechen Tsel is a Tibetan Buddhist Nunnery, located at an elevation of over 12,000 feet in an extraordinarily
remote area of Nangchen, China
Buddhist Prayers for Healing,
Living, and Dying
If you don't know which prayers to order, email office@monlam.org.
Rinpoches and senior monastic staff
would help you, based on
your life story and situation.
The Garchen Buddhist Institute was founded by His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche
in Chino Valley, Arizona.
The Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive (LYWA)
is the collected works of Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. They publish and promote Dharma teaching, greatly adopted
for the western lifestyle.
Strong Towns is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit media advocacy organization. We produce content that analyzes the failures of the post-war North American development pattern while giving citizens the knowledge and tools to start making our places better today.
From underwriting our various capital building campaigns, to developing Buddhadharma courses, to supporting H. E. Choden Rinpoche’s reincarnation, each project is an invaluable means to advance the Buddha’s teachings and to secure the legacy of H. E. Choden Rinpoche.